World development
EDUCATION projects supported
Camfed (the campaign for Female Education) was established in 1993 to provide direct support to girls, to allow them to enjoy the benefits of an education. Camfed currently works in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Ghana and Tanzania.
In 2009, the Foundation provided Camfed with a grant of £100,000 to support the costs of educating 800 girls in south east Tanzania. The grant will provide targeted support to enable girls to continue in secondary school, when large numbers drop out of formal education altogether. The support provided by Camfed pays for school fees and accommodation, as well as providing mentorship and general support to improve the quality of learning outcomes at the schools with which they partner.
Camfed has established strong monitoring systems which allow the organisation to closely track the progress made by all the students it supports. The charity also works in close partnership with district education authorities, allowing it to demonstrate how previous programmes have significantly decreased drop-out rates and improved secondary pass rates for all girls in the districts in which Camfed operates.
uk.camfed.org |
Link Community Development works in five sub-Saharan African countries to improve the quality of education available to children and young people. Link Community Development currently operates in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, South Africa and Uganda.
In 2008, the Foundation provided Link Community Development with a grant of £150,000 towards a programme to improve 140 schools in rural districts of southern Ethiopia. The four-year programme aims to improve the capacity of regional education government staff to collect data about individual school performance. The data is analysed and shared with local communities, and used to inform a school improvement plan specific to each individual school.
Link Community Development’s approach to school improvement allows them to track improved performance in their target schools over the course of the programme and beyond. Evaluations of previous programmes which have been running for a number of years have demonstrated that improved school management has led to a significant and sustained improvement in both exam performance and pupil retention.
www.lcdinternational.org |
PEAS (Promoting Equality in African Schools) constructs and manages schools in Uganda providing high-quality affordable education. PEAS’ schools operate a financially sustainable model which offers low or no-cost education to the majority of their students.
In 2010 the Foundation agreed to provide a grant of £86,500 to support the opening and expansion of Lamwo Kuc Ki Gen High School in the north of Uganda. The Foundation’s grant was also used to allow PEAS to take forward their negotiations with the Ugandan Government to secure Universal Secondary Education funding support in their schools. This means that once upfront investment in schools is secured, they are able to become independent from external donor support.
PEAS’ model of financial self sustainability offers a way of meeting a high unmet demand for secondary school places, whilst delivering good quality affordable education.
www.peas.org.uk |
African Initiatives is a UK charity that has worked in partnership with Tanzanian NGO CASEC (Community Aid and Small Enterprise Consultancy) to promote girls’ education.
In 2008 the Foundation gave African Initiatives a grant of £80,000 to support CASEC’s work in the Mbulu and Kilolo districts in Tanzania. The programme promoted the importance of girls’ education with school communities, and mobilised support for the construction of girls’ hostels to make it safer for girls to attend secondary school. The project has helped to build 14 hostels which will allow hundreds of girls to avoid having to walk long distances every day, and give them greater chance to study instead. In 2012 we provided a further grant of £60,000 to support those school communities which had demonstrated strongest leadership to help girls access education.
www.african-initiatives.org.uk |