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You have identified your organisation as eligible to apply to our World Development Small Grants Programme. These Small Grants are intended to support smaller organisations delivering development work at a smaller scale. Grants will be prioritised for small UK charities led by committed individuals, especially those based in Wales, which are working to deliver projects in developing countries.



  • We do not accept applications for over £10,000 under our Small Grants Programme. The majority of our grants will be delivered over a one to two year period.
  • Longer-duration projects will be considered for bursary applications to enable the support of students throughout a specific stage of education. 
  • We will consider applications from organisations with an annual income of less than £20,000 or that are newly established within the last 2 years; but in these cases we can only consider applications below £5,000.
  • Applicants’ requests should always be in keeping with their organisation’s annual income; we do not usually provide grants which total more than 25% of an organisation’s annual income.
  • Small grants are usually provided as a one-off donation. In exceptional circumstances some organisations may be invited to reapply.



Before applying, visit our Education page to check you are eligible to apply. If you have previously received TWF funding, please contact your Fund Manager before you consider making a further application to us.

Our Small Grants Programme is open all year round without topic-specific
deadlines. Please feel free to apply at any point by emailing your application to We are unable to assess applications sent to any other email address.

Please note that we aim to acknowledge all applications within 7 days of receipt. If we have not acknowledged your application within 14 days, please contact us via or on 02920 838980 to ensure that it has arrived safely.

We don’t have a formal application form, so you are free to formulate your proposal as you wish.  However, when applying to the World Development Fund, please follow these guidelines:

  • Limit the proposal to approximately 2-3 sides of A4, and send it in the body of an email. Please note that tables and figures don’t always display well in this format.
  • At the very top of your application, please list the following key information:
    • Your organisation’s name and address
    • The title of your project
    • The amount you are requesting and over what period of time
    • Key contact details for the application.
  • State clearly at the top of your application that you are applying under our World Development Small Grants Programme – Education.
  • Don’t include attachments or photos; we can ask for these later on.
  • Supply basic information on your organisation – address, charitable status, annual income and expenditure, sources of funding and website address.
  • If possible, provide evidence of the positive impact that your previous projects have had.
  • Briefly describe the project or purpose for which you are seeking funding. You must outline how this meets Foundation’s funding priorities.
  • Provide brief details of project activities, timescale and expected start date. We don’t need to see the full project plan at this stage.
  • Provide a summary of project costs and clearly state the amount you are requesting from the Waterloo Foundation and any funds secured from other sources. Please provide this information in £GBP. We don’t need to see the detailed budget at this stage.
  • Briefly outline the anticipated project outcomes and describe how these will be measured.

In addition to this information, and within the three pages allowed for your application please use at least a half-page to detail the following:

  • What is the tangible, overall goal of your organisation in 10 years?
  • Do you consider your long-term strategy to be sustainable?
    • If no, is this something that the organisation has discussed to develop?
    • If yes, what makes it sustainable?
  • What is the biggest challenge you face to developing and implementing your work?
  • The positive impact of your previous work within education and/or evidence to support the efficacy of your approach.



Are there specific deadlines?

We currently have no specific deadlines in our World Development fund by which applications need to be received. We accept applications all year round.


What are the timescales for applications to be reviewed?

We aim to undertake a first review of all new applications within 2-3 months of submission.  If your funding application is unsuccessful we will let you know as soon as we can after this first review.  If your funding application is able to be taken forward to be reviewed in more detail, we will then contact you to discuss it further. It usually takes between 3-4 months but can take up to 6 months between the submission of an application and a decision to provide a grant, so please consider this when submitting an application.


Can I apply if I am from outside the UK?

At present, we do not accept applications to our Small Grants Programme from organisations based outside the UK. We will, however, consider applications by UK-based organisations working in close partnership with local in-country organisations.


What type of grants does TWF provide?

The majority of our Small Grants support projects or programmes which deliver direct outcomes in developing countries.


My last application to the Small Grants Programme was unsuccessful. Can I reapply?

You are welcome to reapply, but only 18 months from the date of your last application.   


I’ve read all the above, and can’t find the answer to my question. How do I contact you?

Please send us an email with your enquiry at and we will endeavour to respond to you within a few days. If your query is more urgent, please call the office on 02920 838980.